I have a pig herd of four sows and one boar, plus all their offspring. I love many breeds of pigs but I focus on having heritage breeds for their maternal instincts without using farrowing crates. I want my sows to have a life of freedom from bars. They are housed in large pens with deep straw bedding and farrow twice a year, 10 piglets on average. I keep some hogs to raise up myself and many others are sold to my twin sister Susan of Wild Pasture Farm.

Me with Brandy, (daughter of Petunia) and her very first litter of piglets summer 2019.
I grow as many hogs a year as I can sell. They are raised in the barn year round and eat lots of cull veggies and their feed ration from Co-Op feed mill. They do not consume any medicated feed or get treated with antibiotics because I have not needed to treat them for any sickness (knock on wood). And if I did have to treat there would be a withdrawal period before the animals can go to the butcher and be safe for human consumption.

We usually have most all pork cuts on hand:
ground - 1 lb packs $6
2 loin chops $7/lb.
spare ribs $7/lb.
tenderloin $12/lb.
nitrate free bacon $10/lb
back bacon $12/lb.
shoulder roast $6.50/lb.
deli ham- 1/2 lb. packs $8
ham steak $7/lb.
ham roast $7/lb.
gluten free sausages $9/lb.
-honey garlic
-hot Italian
Also offer sides of pork for $4.00/lb (hanging weight) cut and wrapped to your liking. Smoking costs is extra.
Whole hogs $3.00/lb hanging weight for those who cut meat themselves.
ground - 1 lb packs $6
2 loin chops $7/lb.
spare ribs $7/lb.
tenderloin $12/lb.
nitrate free bacon $10/lb
back bacon $12/lb.
shoulder roast $6.50/lb.
deli ham- 1/2 lb. packs $8
ham steak $7/lb.
ham roast $7/lb.
gluten free sausages $9/lb.
-honey garlic
-hot Italian
Also offer sides of pork for $4.00/lb (hanging weight) cut and wrapped to your liking. Smoking costs is extra.
Whole hogs $3.00/lb hanging weight for those who cut meat themselves.